Hi everypony!!!! X3c

Welcome to my website/blog thing >:]

I'm Leviathan (of-fucking-course), and this is my little cave in the internet to ramble and post whatever I want with no consequences ever.

To be honest, I have no idea what i'm doing here, but I love the idea of bringing back the old web and spending less time on social media, and I'm trying my best to give it a shot, so sorry in advance for shoddy html work and broken links, I'm doing my best here.

Anyway, I hope you have fun, feel free to sign the guestbook and reach out with any questions and maybe I'll answer them! (Or not, the world might end tomorrow and you'll die wondering if some stranger on the internet posted your music rec, how sad.)

Click around and maybe you'll find something interesting to waste some time :P

Blinkie hoard!!!