Da blogging zone :3c

Wednesday, April 10th, 2024

Hello again. I don't know if starting and ending each entry the same is annoying, but I like it so far, so meh. Today was alright, though tiring. I went back to school finally and things were alright, though I need to catch up on some homework for statistics since we have a test coming up soon and I don't want to fail. I took a lot of pictures of me and my friends, so maybe I'll upload those and maybe get the playlists tab on my site started. I made 2 cornish hens for dinner and they came out really well, I tried spatchcocking them and I think it helped. Every time I go to wrtie a new entry, I seem to find more typos, but I am just sitting down at the end of the day and typing these up so it's not too surprising. Oh, and I have to find a new tie for prom because the one I wanted might not get here on time. It's annoying but I'll probably find another one I like. I'm feeling better, by the way. My nose is still a little runny but my head cleared up and I'm not coughing too much now. I want to write more but frankly, I don't know what else to say. My week-day life gets rather boring, but so is life. Thanks for listening, talk to you later.

Tuesday, April 9th, 2024

Hello again. I don't quite know why this is coming so much more naturally to me than a diary, especially seeing as every time I've attempted to write one, I give up after a day or two. I tried typing one in notepad a while back, back when I wasn't doing that great and kind of on the brink, but even then I couldn't keep up with it. Maybe it's because I know that, even if it's a handful of poeple who check it once and never again, that someone out there is reading this too. It's less like a cry into the void, and more like a one-sided penpal. It's nice though, and even if I don't update everyday, it gives me something to look forward to. Speaking of diaries, I stayed home again today (hopefully I can get back to school tomorrow, I feel bad leaving Virgil behind, and I don't like falling back on schoolwork at all.) I've always been a kissass when it comes to school (thanks EXPO), but that's enough of a side ramble. Me and my mom were watching the Warhol Diaries on Netflix, and as much as I don't quite care for how they used AI for his voice, it was really interesting. Queer history always hits me so hard, and while I don't connect to it as much as I could due to being trans and having the disconnect that I do from cis gay men, it always manages to hit me in ways thatstay with me for a while.I really do enjoy this whole writing thing though. It's weird and probably a little to personal, but eh, it's an outlet I needed. Thanks for listening, talk to you later.

Monday, April 8th, 2024

Hello again. Today has been pretty good to be honest! I stayed home sick unfortunately, but saw the eclipse at totality with my mom which as pretty cool, and then went to a makeup store and got some more face paint for my homestuck cosplay (I'm having some friends over and doing a get together for 413 that's gonna be epic >:] ). I also got some rigid collodian stuff for fake scars that's pretty fun to play with. Aside from that though, I haven't done a lot since yesterday, but that's alright, I still have a few more hours in the day to get some schoolwork that I missed out on done. OH! I also got a commission back of my fursona and his boyfriend and I am so so happy with it. It's by cozycosmicat on toyhou.se and I couldn't recommend them more! It's the first proper piece I've ever gotten for them, and one I've been dreaming of for a while, and it's everything I could've wanted!!! X] Anyways, that's all, talk to you later.

Sunday, April 7th, 2024

So I guess I should start this off with an entry. To be honest, I don't know of a better way to go about this, but editing the straight html every time seems like it'll be tedious, but eh. So, hello internet. This is my blog, or diary, or yap fest, whatever you want to call it. Currently, I'm sitting in my room after a shower. My hair is still wet, but I prefer to let it air dry since it gets way too fluffy to deal with when I blow dry it. I'm sick, not exactly sure with what, some cold/sinus/sore throat type thing. It sucks but I'm powering through. I'm mainly worried about missing school since I can't miss any more days because I have to miss one to go see DEVO (Oh yeah, I'm seeing them in Nashville in May :] ). I didn't get to see Virgil this weekend which sucks, but hopefully we can spend some time together soon. I don't know much else to say at the moment, but I suppose that's enough for now. Talk to you later.